A concise introduction to logic.
Schrijver: HURLEY, P.J.
California Wadsworth
1988. (3rd). (XV) 541 pp. Hardcover. Illustrations. *spine discoloured, good condition*
€ 25,00
A new generation draws the line. Kosovo, East Timor and the standards of the west.
Schrijver: CHOMSKY, N.
London Verso
2000. 154 pp. Halfcloth + dustjacket. *good condition*
€ 12,50
A semantic web primer.
Cambridge MIT
2004. (XVI) 238 pp. Hardcover. *good condition*
€ 15,00
A teacher's guide to reading Piaget
London Routledge
1966. (XII) 171 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. *dustjacket a bit damaged, otherwise in good condition*
€ 10,00
An introduction to the logic of the sciences.
Schrijver: HARRÉ, R.
London Macmillan
1967. (4th). (VIII) 181 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. *dustjacket discoloured and a bit damaged, small sti...
€ 12,50
Analytic versus continental. Arguments on the methods and value of philosophy.
Schrijver: CHASE, J., REYNOLDS, J.
Montreal McGill-Queen's UP
2010. (VIII) 294 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. *good condition*
€ 20,00
Apt belief and reflective knowledge. Complete in 2 volumes.
Schrijver: SOSA, E.
Oxford Clarendon
2007 - 2009. (XIV) 149, (XII) 254 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. *good condition*
€ 50,00
Leiden Nijhoff
1986. (3e). 377 pp. Paperback. *rug verkleurd, naam op schutblad, verder in goede staat*
€ 10,00
Artificial intelligence in simulation.
Schrijver: FUTO, I., GERGELY, T.
New York Ellis Horwood
1990. 253 pp. Hardcover. (Ellis Horwood series in artificial intelligence) *good condition*
€ 25,00
Artificial intelligence. Structures and strategies for complex problem solving.
Harlow Addison-Wesley Longman
1998 (3rd). (XXX) 824 pp. Hardcover. Bibliography. *good condition*
€ 25,00
Bertrand Russell. The spirit of solitude.
Schrijver: RUSSELL, B., MONK, R.
London Cape
1996. (XX) 695 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. Bibliography. Illustrations. *dustjacket slightly damaged, ot...
€ 20,00
BNAIC'04. Proceedings of the 16th Belgium-Netherlands conference on artificial intelligence. University of Groningen 21-22 october 2004.
Groningen UP
2004. (XVI) 403 pp. Sewn. *cover slightly damaged, otherwise in good condition*
€ 10,00
Schrijver: ZWART, P.J.
Assen Van Gorcum
1967. (VI) 187 pp. Linnen + stofomslag. *stofomslag licht beschadigd, stempel op schutblad, verder i...
€ 10,00
Causality. The place of the causal principle in modern science.
Schrijver: BUNGE, M.
Cleveland WPC
1963. (XX) 394 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (Meridian, 49) *cover a bit rubbed, good condition*
€ 15,00
Contemporary debates in epistemology.
Schrijver: STEUP, M., SOSA, E., (ED.)
Oxford Blackwell
2005. (X) 348 pp. Paperback. *cover slightly damaged at the edges, text block slightly foxed, otherw...
€ 15,00
Cours de linguistique générale. Publié par C. Bally et A. Sechehaye. Avec la collaboration de A. Riedlinger.
Schrijver: SAUSSURE, F. DE
Paris Payot
1968. 331 pp. Paperback. (Études et documents Payot) *textblock foxed, otherwise in good condition*
€ 10,00
Das Wunder des Menschseins - Gehirn und Geist.
Schrijver: ECCLES, J.C., ROBINSON, D.N.
München Piper
1985. 243 pp. Hardcover + dustjacket. *good condition*
€ 12,50
Dat had je gedacht! Brein, bewustzijn en vrije wil in filosofisch perspectief.
Schrijver: SLORS, M.
Amsterdam Boom
2015. (3e). 201 pp. Paperback. *penstrepen op pp. 28-32, verder in goede staat*
€ 10,00
De dromenwever.
Schrijver: DRAAISMA, D.
Groningen HU
2013. 217 pp. Paperback. Illustraties *met opdracht van de schrijver, verder in goede staat*
€ 10,00
De kernproblemen van de filosofie. Vertaald door H. Plantenga, T. Reinsma, A. Schogt.
Schrijver: AYER, A.J.
Utrecht Spectrum
1976. 250 pp. Paperback. (Aula, 40) *omslag licht beschadigd, hoekje uit schutblad geknipt, vlek op ...
€ 10,00
De nulgraad van het schrijven gevolgd door een inleiding in de semiologie. Vertaling E.A. van Caspel.
Schrijver: BARTHES, R.
Amsterdam Meulenhoff
1982. (2e). 157 pp. Paperback. (Ideeën) *rug verkleurd, 2 rode strepen op tekstblok, rood kruis op ...
€ 10,00
De spiegel van de ziel. Fantasieën en reflecties over ego en geest. Nederlandse vertaling E. Dabekaussen, B. de Lange en T. Maters.
Schrijver: HOFSTADTER, D.R., DENNETT, D.C., (RED.)
Amsterdam Contact
1989. (2e). 535 pp. Paperback. Illustraties. *goede staat*
€ 12,50
Denken en spreken. De talige mens.
Schrijver: DROSTE, F.G.
Leuven Davidsfonds
1996. 342 pp. Linnen + omslag. *stofomslag licht beschadigd, naam op schutblad, goede staat*
€ 10,00
Die Welt als Zeichen. Klassiker der modernen Semiotik.
Berlin Severin
1981. 412 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. *name on endpaper, good condition*
€ 20,00
Discourse analysis as theory and method.
London Sage
2002. (VIII) 229 pp. Paperback. *cover partly discoloured, some annotations and underlinings in penc...
€ 12,50
Détente or destruction 1955-57. Edited by Andrew G. Bone.
Schrijver: RUSSELL, B.
London Routledge
2005. (LXXXIV) 718 pp. Cloth with celluloid dustjacket. Bibliography. Portrait. (The collected paper...
€ 65,00
Elementary logic. Revised edition.
Schrijver: QUINE, W.V.
Cambridge HUP
1966. (2nd). (X) 129 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. *some underlinings in pencil, small sticker on dustjack...
€ 65,00
Empirical knowledge. Readings in contemporary knowledge.
Schrijver: MOSER, P.K., (ed.)
N.p. Rowman
1986. (VIII) 288pp. Paperback. Bibliography. *top spine a bit damaged, spine discoloured, text block...
€ 12,50
Enlightenment now. The case for reason, science, humanism, and progress.
Schrijver: PINKER, S.
New York Viking
2018. (XVIII) 556 pp. Paperback. *good condition*
€ 12,50
Epistemology. A contemporary introduction to the theory of knowledge.
Schrijver: AUDI, R.
London Routledge
1998. (XII) 340 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (RCIP) *good condition*
€ 12,50
Epistemology and skepticism: an enquiry into the nature of epistemology. Foreword by R. M. Chisholm.
Schrijver: CHATALIAN, G.
Carbondale SIUP
1991. (XIV) 76 pp. Paperback. (The Journal of the History of Philosophy ) *textblock foxed, otherwis...
€ 10,00
Essays on knowledge and justification.
Schrijver: PAPPAS, G.S., SWAIN, M., (EDS.)
London CUP
1978. 380 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. *spine slightly creased, top textblock slightly spotted, othe...
€ 12,50
Evolution in mind. An introduction to evolutionary psychology.
Schrijver: PLOTKIN, H.
London Lane
1997. (X) 276 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. *dustjacket slightly damaged, otherwise in good condition*
€ 10,00
Evolutionary epistemology, rationality, and the sociology of knowledge.
Schrijver: RADNITZKY, G., BARTLEY, W.W., (EDS.)
La Salle Open Court
1987. xiv, 475 pp. Paperback. Illustrations. *cover slightly damaged at the edges, top text block sl...
€ 15,00
Formen und Funktionen der Allegorie. Symposion Wolfenbüttel 1978.
Schrijver: HAUG, W., (ED.)
Stuttgart Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung
1979. (X) 810 pp. Cloth. Bibliography. Illustrations. *old library sticker on spine and verso front ...
€ 25,00
Frames of mind. Constraints of the common sense conception of the mental.
Schrijver: MORTON, A.
Oxford UP
1980. (VI) 174 pp. Cloth. *part of dustjacket pasted on endpaper, library stamps verso title page, o...
€ 10,00
From a deflationary point of view.
Schrijver: HORWICH, P.
Oxford UP
2004. 178 pp. Paperback. Illustrations. *good condition*
€ 25,00
Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung. Fünf logische Studien. Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von G. Patzig.
Schrijver: FREGE, G.
Göttingen Vandenhoeck
1962. 101 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (KVR, 144/145) *Ex bibliotheca Lolle Nauta, cover slightly da...
€ 10,00
Icarus or the future of science.
Schrijver: RUSSELL, B.
Nottingham Spokesman
1973 (Reprint 1924). 64 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. *previous owner's name on endpaper, dustjacket sligh...
€ 10,00
In the world of signs. Essays in honour of professor Jerzy Pelc.
Schrijver: PELC, J., JADACKI, J.J., STRAWINSKI, W., (ED.)
Amsterdam Rodopi
1998. 459 pp. Hardcover. (PSPSH, 62) *good condition*
€ 25,00
Induction. Processes of inference, learning, and discovery.
Cambridge MIT
1987. (2nd). (XVI) 385 pp. Cloth + dustjacket. (CMCP) *dustjacket slightly damaged, otherwise in go...
€ 15,00
Inleiding tot de logica en tot de methodeleer der deductieve wetenschappen. Nederlandse bewerking door E.W. Beth.
Schrijver: TARSKI, A.
Amsterdam NHUM
1964. (2e herziene). (XX) 259 pp. Gebonden. *band iets gevlekt, verder goede staat*
€ 20,00
Intensionality and truth. An essay on the philosophy of A.N. Prior.
Schrijver: PRIOR, A.N., HUGLY, P., SAYWARD, C.
Dordrecht Kluwer
1996. (XII) 422 pp. Hardcover + dustjacket. (SL, 255) *dustjacket a bit spotted, good condition*
€ 45,00
John Searle and his critics.
Schrijver: SEARLE, J.R., LEPORE, E., GULICK, R. VAN, (ED.)
Cambridge Blackwell
1991. (XIV) 405 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (Philosophers and their critics, 2) *good condition*
€ 20,00
Keith Lehrer.
Schrijver: LEHRER, K., BOGDAN, R.J., (ED.)
London Reidel
1981. (X) 260 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (Profiles, 2) *spine discoloured, otherwise in good condi...
€ 12,50
Kennisrepresentaties en symbolen in de geest. Een analyse van het reperesentatiebegrip en het symboolbegrip in de cognitieve psychologie.
Schrijver: JORNA, R.J.J.M.
Groningen z.u.
1989. (VIII) 225 pp. Ingenaaid. Dissertatie. *omslag licht verkleurd, verder in goede staat*
€ 10,00
Knowledge puzzles. An introduction to epistemology.
Boulder Westview
1996. (XV) 193 pp. Paperback. *good condition*
€ 12,50
Knowledge representation and symbols in the mind. An analysis of the notion of representation and symbol in cognitive psychology.
Schrijver: JORNA, R.J.
Tübingen Stauffenburg
1990. (VIII) 237 pp. Paperback. Bibliography. (Probleme der Semiotik, 10) *small fold in cover and i...
€ 35,00
Labyrinths of reason. Paradox, puzzles and the frailty of knowledge.
Schrijver: POUNDSTONE, W.
London Doubleday
1988. (X) 274 pp. Halfcloth + dustjacket. Bibliography. Illustrations. (Anchor) *dustjacket slightl...
€ 12,50
Language and creativity. An interdisciplinary essay in Chomskyan humanism.
Schrijver: CHOMSKY, N., OUDEN, B.D. DEN
Lisse De Ridder
1975. 107 pp. Sewn. Bibliography. (PL, 1) *name on endpaper, a few underlinings in pencil, otherwise...
€ 10,00